early teens course

ANNUAL COURSE for EARLY TEENS from 11 to 13 years

Total hours: 50 with a theatre performance staged at the end of the year

Theatre Workshop for young people aged 11 to 13, whose goal is to promote the restoration and enhancement of expressive qualities, distinguishing peculiarities and individual creativity through a collective work, such as a play.

The workshop is structured into two slots: from November to December

1) Games to get people to meet each other, ease relationships in the group and boost that with the space, being involved and confident, giving and receiving.

2) Self-presentation through fantastic pictures to discover the value of creative images.

3) Body language exploration, aimed at overcoming elements depleting the freedom of movement, such as shyness, habit, compulsion.

4) Discovery of different rhythms. Respect of other people’s rhythms. Relaxation, stress.

5) Awareness of their own and others’ body.

6) Creative invention path where exercises and improvisation theater games based on the story staged will be proposed.

From January to May

A play will be performed and staged at the end of the year.


Subscriptions are welcome at the Secretary’s Office of Teatro San Giorgio venue, from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 or by phone at +39 035 225 847 during the same hours listed above.

You can also send an email to sangiorgio@teatroprova.com, leaving your details and a contact phone number.